Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Money Glitch or Not - AIG stock up 275% since August

Check out this interesting article; concerning AIG making a turn-around while attempting to stabilize and repay a $120 billion in taxpayer loans. Stocks have bounced back 275% since the beginning of August. Sounds like the stockholders have found that hidden treasure found in a money glitch game that makes money increase out of nowhere. Especially since taxpayers' have a 79.9% interest in the company. Does the new CEO Robert Benmosche have what it takes to get this company through this money glitch recession and back on a self-efficient foundation?

AIG has stabilized thanks to a massive government bailout, but more than $120 billion in taxpayer loans to the insurance company remain at risk, according to a report issued Monday by a bailout overseer.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bernanke cautiously states: 'Recession is very likely over'

Check out this story…Is it time for celebrating that the money glitch recession is finally disappearing? I don't think so! The recession might have stopped spiraling downward toward a depression; however, it is going to take time to spur the economy around again. We need two-thirds of consumer spending to help move forward economic activity and that will not happen until people are back to work. Personally, I think we still have a good ways to go before our life-savings and investments experience a positive money glitch. What do you think?

In his first speech since he was reappointed, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the recession is "very likely over" but detailed the tough road ahead for the economy.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Money Glitches and Finding a Pathway to Wealth

A money glitch in a X-Box, Forza 2, or Oblivion game is a secret place where if known one can perform a task or feat and grow one’s wealth enormously in a very short span of time. When setting out to learn how to win more money within one of these games; an individual would probably begin by asking the following questions:
  • Am I focusing on the end results or perceived barriers?
  • How much time am I willing to practice winning this game?
  • Who do I know that has expertise in this area?
  • Who can become accountable to what I am attempting to achieve?
  • What are the out of the box ideas in relation to the goals I’ve set?

Too bad that in real life it does not work quite the same for finding wealth. Or does it? Taking the time to write down specific goals is a significant step in finding your pathway to wealth whether it is in real life or within the money glitch games. Another imperative step is to take actions that are in alignment with your goals. Also, important is to remember that your personal perspective can be a hindrance or catapult you forward to attain goals. In many instances, individuals with thoughts that money is easy to attract or stumble upon have tendencies to attain wealth a little easier than those that believe people must work hard for every dollar attained.

So, in some ways the money glitch games maybe a good place to start training one’s self to change any beliefs that the pathway to wealth is a difficult one. Let’s face it if you’ve experienced most of your life savings suddenly disappearing within the last few years; what do you have to lose by envisioning those funds suddenly reappearing back into the investment accounts. Just as one must develop a feeling of being at ease when playing the money glitch games, an individual must learn to feel more at ease and trusting in a relationship with money. You must evaluate personal thoughts to see if this recession money glitch has changed your thoughts about how money can be attained. One should consistently ask oneself the following:

  • What thought processes of lack do I still have that may need to be changed?
  • Am I taking actions that would support making more income this year?
  • Am I using all my resources to make the journey easy?
  • Do I feel anxious or confident when there appears to be a deficiency of funds in my life?
  • Am I thinking like a person who knows they are worthy of having wealth?

We know that for some this may sound simply like "Pollyanna make believe," however, if stinking thinking it the only thing preventing you from finding your pathway to wealth, then we challenge you to find a means of changing those thoughts. One must create empowerment and ask questions that motivate and support from within one’s mind and most of take action to begin one’s quest to reclaim wealth by way of all money glitches.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Money Glitch Shock on MBA Graduates

Money Glitch is any recent MBA graduate that is in transition seeking to find that dream job that over the years has managed to slip through their hands. Numerous graduates within the last two years have walked down the aisle taken their diplomas and went straight back home or to the unemployment line instead of having prearranged jobs like those that graduated before them. When graduates started school two years ago, the farthest thing in their minds was the present recession money glitch. Maybe before going any further I should define the term money glitch. One can view a “glitch” as being an electrical hiccup that can cause mayhem with your laptop that might do a quick “crowd wave” or the lights may flicker causing you to jump while being in transitional darkness. On the other hand, my sister can create her own glitch by sliding her feet on any type of surface and then touching someone.

A money glitch for the Gen Yers can be found in secret places within games like the X–Box and Oblivion. For Gen Xers many have never called it a money glitch before; however about every 8 to 10 years they find themselves in one when their money sources are just all of a sudden gone. Well, within the last two years every generation is feeling the money crunch (the negative effect) caused by this recession. Many Gen-Yers are experiencing for the first time hearing “No, I can’t buy you the latest electronic gismo,” being shouted by their parents. The Gen Xers want to hold on to their last few dollars hoping that the market will rise again sooner than later. Many find themselves wanting to retire in a year or two but the financial wand that waved and created the money glitch is just too powerful to overcome.

So this blog will be looking at this recession identifying the different types of money
glitches and how individuals are handling various situations. Stories will be told, debates will be started, and polls will be taken examining the positive influx of money that occurs in the money glitch games and the negative effects of this money glitch recession. It is the author’s intent to create a platform where you feel free to share your stories and perhaps provide insight to others that may find themselves in dilemmas that you’ve overcome.